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Payslip Basics

If you have just started on SimplePay, you will see one blank payslip setup screen, which is divided into three sections:

Regular Inputs

These are those items that relate to all payslips. All payslips will have a field for Basic Salary automatically added – click on this to get started:

  • For salaried employees, it will be their salary for the period. If it is a shortened period, e.g. where someone started work during the month, you should still enter the full salary as the system will automatically calculate the pro-rata amount based on their appointment date.
  • For hourly paid employees, enter their hourly rate – you will enter the hours worked under Payslip Inputs (discussed below).

All payslips will also have a field for Provident Fund; clicking on this allows you to set up your employee’s fund.

Provident Fund

The Scheme Provider and Scheme Type ("MPF", "ORSO", or "Exempt") can be selected from the drop-down lists.

  • To add a new scheme provider, go to Settings > Beneficiaries, and click on Add under the Provident Fund heading.
  • To set up an MPF scheme, make sure to tick the MPF Scheme? box, and enter the required information before clicking Save.

If the employee is a member of an MPF scheme, and has decided to make a voluntary contribution to the scheme over and above the mandatory contributions, enter a value for Voluntary % of Income (Employee). Similarly, if the employer wishes to make a voluntary contribution, enter a value for Voluntary % of Income (Employer). These values should be a number between 0 and 100.

If the employee is a member of an ORSO scheme, enter values between 0 and 100 for % of Income – Employee and % of Income – Employee.

Other regular items such as monthly commission and employer loans can be added by clicking Add next to Regular Inputs. If the item you are looking for is not there, you may need to add a custom item. More information about custom items can be found in the following article:

Payslip Inputs

These are items that are periodic (e.g. hours worked), or specific to a particular payslip (e.g. expense claim). SimplePay has a variety of system items, which you can add by clicking Add next to Payslip Inputs. As with the regular items above, you can create custom items (see the link above).

More information about entering employee hours can be found in the following article:


SimplePay automatically calculates statutory deductions for MPF (if applicable), and you will see these in the Payslip block, along with all of the other items you added above. When viewing the information in the Payslip block, you have the following options:

  • Click the Finalise button to save your changes and generate the next period’s payslip.

Finalising a payslip

When you finalise a payslip, it also removes the stamp saying “Draft” from the payslip PDF – to indicate that the document is now a final document and no longer a draft.

If you need to make a change to a payslip that has already been finalised, you can always go back and make changes to the latest finalised payslip, by selecting it from the payslip date dropdown, and clicking the Undo Finalise button.

  • Click Notes to add notes to specific items on the payslip if extra information is required.
  • Click More to see additional information such as Employer Contributions.
  • Click Preview to open a PDF preview of the payslip, which will also contain the automatically calculated employer contributions for MPF or ORSO.

Future-dated payslips

If you are about to finalise a future-dated payslip, i.e. a payslip with a date that is after the end of your current pay period, you will receive a pop-up warning. If the attempted finalisation was an accident, you can dismiss the message by clicking Cancel or the close button. To confirm the finalisation of a future-dated payslip, click Finalise Payslip.