Introducing Custom Bulk Inputs

Author: Fareed Hassiem

    1 minute read    

Over the course of many years, our customers have been editing their employee and payroll information efficiently by making use of our Bulk Inputs functionality. This has eliminated the need for them to make changes on the individual profiles of multiple employees. While this feature has been a great hit, we wanted to make it even better by allowing our customers to create their own bulk input pages.

Custom Bulk Inputs offers a more streamlined solution for your bulk payroll management needs. This handy feature allows you to create a bulk input page with items that you choose. Whether you want to edit basic employee information, or work with payroll data like regular inputs and payslip inputs, this feature has you covered. You can select the items you want to include, and then make bulk edits on a single screen, or via an Excel file generated by the system.

For step-by-step instructions on how to utilise our Custom Bulk Inputs, please visit our help page here. This feature is currently in beta, and we encourage any feedback you might have on how we can improve it. You can submit this feedback directly to us by clicking on the “BETA” label next to the feature.

Not yet a SimplePay member? Sign up for a free, 30-day trial today to see how our payroll software can save you valuable payroll processing time.

Take care,

Team SimplePay